F.A.Q - Brandifi


The process to become a Trusted Vendor is actually quite extensive.

First, we prefer recommendations by Brandifi subscribers / Trusted Vendors or an industry professional. We usually don’t look for a referral but rather for a passionate reason why a particular vendor deserves to be listed, with proven work and reviews. 

Perhaps the creator worked with a reader’s business or a trusted vendor shares with us one photographer she will work with. Whatever the connection, it must be strong and based on real knowledge of the vendor’s work. We also consider applications from interested vendors. Click here to begin your application.

Second, we dive head-first into the vendor’s business. Their portfolio, their experience, and their time in the industry. We look at the press that they’ve received, consult with their industry neighbors, and get to know who they are and why they are good at what they do. For highly competitive industries, like photography and cinematography, we also take into account geographical location.

After feeling confident that a particular vendor is a great match, we invite them to be a part of our trusted vendor list! It’s invitation-only and truly prides itself on its commitment to quality above all else.

Only Trusted Vendors who are “Verified” have additional features with their paid subscription.

We expect the most from our trusted vendors! We want to know if you have had a less than satisfactory experience with any of the vendors listed or if you have worked with someone in Brandifi who doesn’t meet our high standards. Please email us at create@imbrandified.com. Please do keep in mind that we have done our very best to screen all advertisers on the Brandifi site. However, Brandifi can not be held responsible for any negative experiences or conduct of our trusted vendors in accordance with our Terms of Service.


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Brandifi 2022